Albania’s Delicate Balance in the Relations with North Macedonia

Featured, Foreign Policy

In general, in the debates on foreign policy in Albania, the relations with North Macedonia are less mentioned and discussed compared with...

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Albania and Kosovo: Present and Future

Foreign Policy

The latest show of solidarity after the biggest earthquake to hit Albania in decades from the Albanians of Kosovo, their government and...

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Albania’s OSCE Chairmanship Dilemma: Provide or Seek Democratic Assistance?

Featured, Foreign Policy

Prime Minister Rama will struggle handling OSCE’s problems while deeply sank into domestic political disarray. ...

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Balkan Mini-Schengen: A Well Thought Regional Initiative or a Political Stunt?

Foreign Policy

While the European Union and the US have welcomed this initiative, in the region itself such idea has from the beginning deeply divided the...

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Albania Veneta-Swiss Historian Dwells upon Albanian Medieval History


Ardian Klosi Swiss born historian Oliver Jens Schmitt, currently working as a professor of the History of Southeastern Europe in the Vienna...

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Kosovo Elections and the Future of the Region: Decriminalization of the Balkans – Condition of all Conditions

Featured, Foreign Policy

Any discussion about Serbia-Kosovo relations has to take into account the international context and interests of some global players that...

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Albin Kurti’s Victory to work out an Old Agenda of Kosovo


If succeeds to negotiate a coalition, Albin Kurti will govern Kosovo with needs to resolve an old and complex agenda. Kurti won the polls...

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Tirana Observatory Forum: On the Initiative of Establishing a Western Balkans Schengen

Foreign Policy

The initiative of establishing a Western Balkans Schengen, or as commonly referred ‘mini-Schengen’ launched by Albania, North Macedonia...

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The Western Balkans after EU Rejections

EU Integration

--The EU Council did not announce a date for the beginning of accesson negotiations with Albania and North Macedonia. --France's new...

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A Little Balkans Schengen Area?

Foreign Policy

Franz-Lothar Altmann Improved cooperation in the Balkans is an ever repeated demand voiced from outside, the EU in particular, but also...

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